Monday, October 17, 2016

Sermon Notes: Power and Purpose of Prayer

by Tom Hamilton

My experience at age 7 – Christmas time.  Looking at the Sears catalog I saw what I wanted (Cape Canaveral Space Set) and asked God via bedtime prayers for it for several nites.  It was not under the tree.  The next year I asked for a “Knight in Armor and Castle” toy set.  It didn’t appear either.  My lesson learned was that God was not normally going to grant prayers for toys.

That brings up the larger questions of “Why should we pray?”  and “How do we do it more effectively?”

Old Testament
Abraham’s servant : Gen. 24:2, 10-15 his prayer (Eliezer of Damascus? Gen. 15) was that God would guide to select the right woman to be a wife for Isaac.  God granted his wish almost as soon as he asked it.
Daniel – 3 times a day Daniel 6:10-11.   This shows Daniel praying three times a day in a private place.  A law was passed forbidding prayer to anyone but the king.  Daniel shows it is more important to pray to God than obey this law.  Daniel is then put in the lion’s den.  God intervenes and saves Daniel.
Hannah, I Samuel 1:2, 6-7, “prayed to the LORD”, v10-20.  She prayed for a son and promises to dedicate him to God’s service.  God answers her prayer and childless Hannah bears a son – Samuel.  Ch. 2: 1-10 Hannah’s prayer – more like a song.  When Samuel is weaned she brings him to Eli the high priest to serve God.

New Testament
Jesus prayed : Lord’s prayer is more an outline of how to pray than a prayer itself.  Note thru-out the Gospels that Jesus introduces the idea that God is our father and addresses Him that way.
Mat 6:5 +  some highlight noted:
      v6 pray in private place
      v7 when you pray do not use vain repetitions
      v9-13 the Lord’s prayer

Acts 11:5  Peter prays on the rooftop and has a vision from God during his prayer.
Acts 12:5  Peter is in prison, constant prayer is made for him by the church, v6-7 Peter is released from prison by an angel.
Acts 13:3 “…having fasted and prayed, and laid hands on them, they sent them away.”  Public prayer is part of the church’s dedication/anointing process.  Public prayer is ok.

Acts 10 Cornelius prays continually.

How to pointers :
            Talk to God as your father.
            Do not repeat vain phrases.  Say what you have to say.  More is not necessarily
            Private place – pray mostly in private.
            Bring your problems to God and ask Him for help or to guide your decisions.
            Pray for others, God’s will, healings, divine protection, nation, leaders, family,
            Not always just your problems.
            Repent of your sins and return to God.  Sometimes our sins hinder our prayers.      Isa. 59:2 But your iniquities have   separated you from your God; And your sins       have hidden His face from you, So that He will not hear.
            I Jn.3:22 whatsoever things we ask we receive, because we keep His           commandments and do those things that are pleasing in His sight.
            Bring a list with you if you need to.
            Ask for things that get God’s will done here on earth. 
            If you need help ask God.  Don’t be afraid to ask.  Mat. 7:7  Ask and it will be
            Given you, seek and you shall find, knock and it will be opened to you…
            Ask others to pray about certain situations. 
            Be persistent : Luke 18:  Then He spoke a parable to them, that men always ought to pray and not lose heart, saying: “There was in a certain city a judge who did not fear God nor regard man. Now there was a widow in that city; and she came to him, saying, ‘Get justice for me from my adversary.’ And he would not for a while; but afterward he said within himself, ‘Though I do not fear God nor regard man, yet because this widow troubles me I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me.  Then the Lord said, “Hear what the unjust judge said. And shall God not avenge His own elect who cry out day and night to Him, though He bears long with them? I tell you that He will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?”
            Understand that sometimes the answer is “Not yet” or “No”.  There was a song     several years ago where a man thanked God for “unanswered prayers”.  It may be
            that God who sees more than we, realizes we are praying for something that is
            not good for us.
            Paul’s “thorn in the flesh” is not removed - II Cor. 12:7-8.  The apostle Paul here
            Is told “no” by God.

Power of Prayer :
            Effective fervent prayer of righteous man avails much James 5:16-18
            It Strengthens faith when you see the results of prayer.
            The prayer of faith will save the sick James 5:13-15
            Strength to cast out tough demons  Mk. 9:28-29  This kind can come out by
            Nothing but prayer and fasting.
            It sets spiritual events in motion.  Daniel prays and fasts for 3 weeks before            receiving an answer to his prayer.  Gabriel was sent to Daniel on the first day but           Satan (and possibly his demons) blocked his path.  Then Michael came to help him.  Daniel 10:1-13.  Things were happening beyond the physical that Daniel could not see from the very first day he prayed.

Benefits :
            Increases patience and faith.
            Gets you closer to God.
            Help in time of need.
            Helps others.
Personal Proof God exists – answered prayer.
            Bayou D’Loutre story.  I was on a two day float trip down a river in north             Louisiana years ago.  Right at sunset I the river totally disappeared into a giant     swamp.  My paddle broke while I was maneuvering around in it.  Land totally
            Disappeared.  Cotton-mouth moccasins seemed to be in every other bush and
            Would drop off into the water.  Complete darkness was approaching with
            Its hordes of mosquitoes.  I envisioned my flashlite batteries running out and
            Bumping into a bush with snakes in it getting into my 10’ pirougue boat. I have
            Killed hundreds of moccasins but dreaded the prospect of being in the dark with   them.  I began to pray earnestly to God for help.  Within 5-10 minutes I drifted         into a gas pipe-line pathway and with the fading rays of light saw shore in one direction about 200 yards away.  I cut a sapling down with my hatchet and used it      to pole the boat to shore, set up tent and crawled in, zipping up the screen.
            (Other examples from others).

            Prayer to the creator of the universe brings results.  God answers our prayers.  Try 
            Praying to the ancient aliens if you believed they created mankind.  Will they
            Answer your prayers or come to your aid?   Of course not!  Elijah’s words echo     down thru the years to those who pray to someone besides God, “Is it because    there is no God in Israel that you are inquiring of Baal-Zebub, the god of Ekron?”        II Kings 1:2.
            Realize that sometimes the answer is “not yet” or “no.” 
            Talk to God as your father.
            Be persistent.
            Repent of sin and seek God with your whole heart.        
            Ask and it will be given you.  Seek and you shall find.
            Trust in the God of Israel.  In Him is help.
            Ps. 18:2  The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; My God, my       strength, in whom I will trust; My shield and the horn of my salvation, my         stronghold.
            The same God who created the universe can help you when no one else can.           Prayer is the way to contact Him.  Use it now and use it often.  Don’t wait til
            Times of trouble.

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